Melania Trump, wife of former US President Donald, is dedicated to NFTs. The first work put up for sale by Melania Trump is called “Melania’s Vision” and is a digital watercolor painting of her eyes. The author is Marc-Antoine Coulon and the NFT is also expected to include an audio recording of the former first lady. It will cost about $ 150 and will be available for purchase between December 16 and December 31.

This is just the beginning: Melania Trump has stated that she will be releasing NFT at regular intervals on her website. Website which, among other things, is managed by Parler.
“I am proud to announce my new NFT endeavor, which embodies my passion for the arts, and will support my ongoing commitment to children through my Be Best initiative,” she said in a statement. “Through this new technology-based platform, we will provide children computer science skills, including programming and software development, to thrive after they age out of the foster community.”
Melania Trump said the proceeds will go to charity, but it is unclear which entities will benefit from the donations, or what percentage of the proceeds will be retained by the new entrepreneur. The Trump family has a troubled history with charities. Indeed, while he was still president, Donald Trump paid a $ 2 million court-ordered fine after admitting to using his he charitable foundation as a personal piggy bank. The fine was ordered to be distributed among eight charities. The Trump Foundation was dissolved, but Melania Trump was never directly involved in this affair.